Theses I

  1. Spatial/temporal structure is a characteristic of the physical field.

  2. Information is conveyed structure of a spatial/temporal source field.

  3. The inevitable encryption of the source structure upon scanning calls for a general relativity of all signals, all communications – of information as such.

  4. In the case of cybernetic processes, the optimization criterion of physical processes, the local structure of physical fields, is superimposed by an informational field, the structure of distant fields, in terms of space and time.

  5. Evolution is the trend of changes brought about by the informational flow from the evolutionary criterion to the object in the overall system.

  6. Selection is an evolutionary process enabling an object, by selecting a criterion existing in the environment, to passively receive information, and thus to passively adapt to that environment.

  7. Self-organization is an evolutionary process in which the object actively utilizes information picked up so as to adapt to the passive criterion.

  8. Action is an evolutionary process in which the cybernetic system establishes the criterion used to adapt its environment and/or the object to itself.

  9. Construction is an evolutionary process in the course of which the adaption of the object to its evolutionary criterion is consciously realized by a cybernetic system.

  10. Fighting/battle is an evolutionary process in which several systems and a superordinate criterion supply information for the optimization of the overall system, and thus for the adaption to an even more general criterion.

  11. Selection is an optimization process during which the information is indirectly transferred to the object by selection of random changes.

  12. Orientation is an optimization process during which the information is directly transferred to the object via targeted change.

  13. The autonomous evolution of a cybernetic system starts out passively by means of selection.

  14. The continuous adoption of adaptive functions into the control system leads to the establishment of a control hierarchy and to the adaption of the physical structure to the criterion.

  15. The evolution of a cybernetic system leads to higher forms of adaption, i.e. from selection to orientation and/or from selection to self-organization and on to action – something which means transition from passive to active adaption, and transition from mere information storage to the establishment of a theory.

  16. The buildup of the control hierarchy of a cybernetic system allows to draw conclusions with respect to the evolution of its control mechanisms and –structure, as well as to the evolutionary criterion, which in turn could allow to draw conclusions about origin and evolutionary history of a system.

  17. The evolving cybernetic system expands its freedom and thus its autonomy by consistently taking on adaptive tasks into its control mechanism; the conditions of the evolutionary criterion thus turn into control functions.

  18. The evolving cybernetic system increases its evolutionary speed via active information assimilation and establishment of a theory of its environment.

  19. The direction of evolution of a system is determined by the evolutionary criterion set by the environment, another system, or by itself.

  20. All activities of a system are determined by its inherent working principle in which the evolutionary criterion assumed its own existence.

  21. In the course of evolution, the criterion supplying information will be reconstructed by the system as its theory, allowing it to actively optimize its operational condition.

  22. Abstraction allows a reduction of memory storage efforts for a theory, as well as statements with regard to conditions for which no experiential data exist at that point.

  23. The transition to action gives the system more freedom and new information reception and assimilation options.

  24. The evolution of cybernetic systems leads to conscious awareness, i.e. they show types of behavior not any longer determined by the information assimilated only, but rather by self-adoption of the criterion for orientation and behavior in the surrounding state space. The necessity for a self-determination of the evolutionary criterion in the course of establishing a theory inevitably leads to a conscious realization of system/environment relationships.

  25. Free unadulterated exchange of information within the system and with the environment is a vital requirement for the existence of the system and constitutes the most important basis of its ability to further evolve.

  26. Fast control mechanisms and fast access to control mechanisms already existing are advantageous for the system.

  27. Passing on control tasks to preferably lower, faster hierarchy levels minimizes the overall information runtime in the system and relevant control efforts.

  28. Upper hierarchy levels effect an adaptive function upon lower levels in form of a command variable. This structurization is instrumental in the system maintaining its ability to further evolve, and maintaining its flexibility as well.

  29. The higher the hierarchy level in a control mechanism is located, the more the information about control tasks, environment, and system stored at that level is of a general nature.

  30. The capability and speed of evolution of a cybernetic system are part of a general evolutionary criterion.
